Open Mashup Platform


Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peter Wetz, Ba-Lam Do, Amin Anjomshoaa, Elmar Kiesling, A Min Tjoa


Since 2005, there has been much research, proposed architectures and tools about mashups, which, undoubtedly, demonstrate this concept’s importance and usefulness. However, many tools, especially ones from big corporations, e.g. Microsoft Popfly, IBM Mashup Center and Google Mashup Editor were discontinued. All of them have significant weaknesses: (i) they can solve only one or several classes of restricted problems in specific domains; (ii) all systems are closed since developers cannot contribute their widgets; (iii) the crucial elements of mashups, i.e. widgets, are usually not modelled good enough to be exploited later for the essential widget search and composition features; (iv) or it is simply too difficult and complex for end users to utilize. This paper, therefore, presents an open mashup platform based on semantic web technologies to deal with all of above problems.

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